Thursday, June 30

In search of – the meaning of a “hack”

I was reading over the weekend (I really was, no gratuitous plug here). While in the technology section, I came across a blog titled “The real meaning of hack” by Adam Penenberg. Anyone who knows me would realize that a blog title like this is a great way to get my attention.

The first part of the article was all about Mr. Penenberg trying to convince us that he is an expert on hacking. All Mr. Penenberg convinced me is that he is a prolific writer and uses his interpretation of hack and hacker in his writings.

Friday, June 24

Mobility and the PC

The PC as we know it is dying. Not today or even in the near future but there’s no question that it has been on extended life support for sometime. The demise of the PC in its current form is being driven by an overwhelming desire of the marketplace to be mobile.

But is mobility something new or just an evolved form of traditional computing. I suppose most people have associated mobility with e-mail or perhaps some web surfing on their mobile device. But true mobility is all about computing on demand and having the same accessibility to content and applications anywhere and everywhere.

Friday, June 3

Germany and Nucelar Power

One of the things I love about social media is sharing information amongst the people in my network. Today I was sent a link to a news story that a couple of people thought would interest me. They were right, though I admit to being a bit embarrassed that the story came from Reuters and I failed to see it.

The story was about Germany’s decision to pull the plug on its nuclear industry in 2022. The viral nature of the Internet ensured that every detail of the Fukushima disaster unfolded in real-time. Given this and the overall political climate in Germany, one can’t be surprised at the motivation behind this decision.